Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Parenting Teenager Tips

Parenting Teenager TipsThis article reveals 5 Big Fat Lies to Being a Perfect Parent.

Parenting Teenager TipsMany parents As a counselor, I have seen myself running ragged trying to be "The Perfect Parent" for their teenagers. When their efforts failed and the relationship with their adolescent children are lacking, many parents may feel frustrated and disappointed. Here are some myth busters how to be a Perfect Parent.

In order to have a good relationship with my teens, I need:

1. Spend every moment with my teenage son

Somehow there is a high thought that a good relationship with the teen began to spend all day, every day with them. As if "Perfect Parents" are the ones who spend all their free time with their teenage children, filling their days shopping at the mall, or work happily together in the backyard.

Yes, and no! Spending time with their parents is something that most teens really want, and enjoy doing. However, teenagers also crave their independence. It is better to find the time and consistently meet with them, rather than trying shortness your teen. As in the end, this can encourage teenagers crazy.

2. Having a serious discourse of philosophy of life every morning.

In the morning could be as difficult day for parents and teens. hurried parents often try to get their teenage kids just got up out the door, usually with some kind of half - eaten cake hanging out of their mouths.

Store in a deep philosophical discussion for a while if there is no interference. Making the morning as smooth as possible. For many people, how they start the morning they will determine their mood for the rest of the day.

3. Use every last penny of my salary to my every behavior of adolescents

Parents want the best for their teenagers, and enjoy able to give their teens and gadget gifts they do not have their adolescence. However, sometimes parents can be carried and further extend yourself financially, when trying to give their teenage life as possible.

The irony is that most teenagers do not always want a lot of money rained down on them. Now make no mistake, most will receive a monetary prize and extravagance. But if parents try to show love by spending money on them, it is very likely to backfire. Teens quite interested because it can distinguish between authentic love and admiration purchased.

4. Know the answer to all their questions

As parents, we want to "go to person" for our youth. However, some parents consider filling this position means they must be broad wise for all of life's problems. As if their inability to give an answer is equivalent to a failure as a parent.

Horse Hockey! What is a parent? Finding someone who might know the answer. Being able to point your teen in the right direction would encourage self-determination, and it will show that you listen and take their questions seriously.

5. Be "cool" parents

Many parents try to be "cool" parents who blend into the crowd of teenagers. They dress part, listening to the same music as their teens, and even tried to take the hose during the day. While the intent to connect with the world is the noble youth, this can often cause embarrassment for you and your teen.

Instead, just be yourself. This is not to say that as a parent you can not wear clothes today, and contemporary. Also that you can not share the same taste in music or popular culture with your teen. However, the rule of thumb is authenticity rather than switch to become self-teens by trying to "adapt" You may find that your teen respect for you is not based on what you wear, but who you are.

[1] Terre Grable,

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