Monday, November 22, 2010

Teenager Parenting: Teen and Stress

teenage stresspresents the state of contemporary society that can encourage stress for teens. One potential stress heads are often found in the home: parents.
That does not mean parents stressful adolescence. Even teenagers are responsible for their own individual, in the field of action open to them. And that was the key to some sources of teenage stress. They are sometimes given too much freedom, in other areas too little.

Setting adrift people developed among the various options available in modern, complex society is a guarantee of close to stress. That reaction is essentially the result of the conflict, is considered unresolvable between "I must" and "I can not". In many cases, it is true that teens can not.

No one could fairly expect fourteen years to find out how to negotiate the maze of challenges this offers the modern world without good guidance. Some completed by parents or nature to do so at that age. One is not born knowing how, for example, to get money, improve the baby and deal with adult life - and the knowledge that is rarely achieved by the age of fourteen.

But it is also true that teenagers are not children. They are very aware of themselves, have a complex system of values and knowledge in the world. They have the ability to begin to implement their own power. When independence is held, the opportunity to examine the allegations and solve problems hampered.

Results from these two false alternatives - independence in the sense that completely abandoned to his own devices, and lack of independence in not allowed to make choices and face the consequences - will surely lead to stress.

The first one left the teenager in a position of having to solve a problem they just are not ready to solve. The latter made it very difficult for them to gain or expand their ability to solve them.
Teenagers will often implicitly recognize this when they complain to their parents "You never let me have my way, 'or,' I was old enough to make their own decisions". Some parents react dogmatic by stating that they will make a decision, other people do wrong on the other side by just throwing all restraint and allow teens to 'sink or swim'.

Knowing when to do one, when to do anything else is a challenge every parent. But teenagers can help themselves and their parents out of this dilemma - and in the process save yourself a lot of unnecessary stress.
Just as they are not children, adolescents are not adults. But they could improve their situation by showing the first and second replicate. Paradoxically, voluntarily took responsibility is one very effective way to minimize stress prior to build.

Although responsibility can lead to stress - if met with hatred or fear rather than confidence and perseverance - can also help build the skills needed to prevent stress before it grows. When responsibilities are those teenagers who actually, with effort, capable of handling the results is to build trust.
The surest way to reduce the stress that comes from fear of failure or dealing with stubborn parents are successfully overcome the challenges of school, home responsibilities and other hurdles.
Sometimes that will require starting from after the initial failure. Teens will learn practical knowledge from doing the challenge and build psychological strength of a business.

[1]Dr. John Spencer Ellis,

Monday, November 8, 2010

Parenting Tips for Divorced Parent

Parenting Tips for Divorced ParentWe've heard a tip that another parent. Each end of the parent can focus on one aspect of parenting. Tips parents can about raising a toddler, a, a gifted child or adolescent children is difficult. But there is one other type of child that parents should know the tips relevant parent-child of divorced parents. What tip of divorced parents can employ parents to ensure that their children would be okay?

Protect Your Children First

Tip parents directly is that your child should be priority number one. This parenting tip implies that even before you decide to get divorced, you must ensure that your children have been protected from parental conflict. Hearing you and your spouse or kids fighting to make feel divorce is going to happen even before you announced it may make them vulnerable to negative or destructive feelings. Your children may even blame themselves for what happened. Although your children may have some idea about the conflict, it is better for them to hear a good explanation from you.

Communicating as a Family

Important parenting tip is for you to temporarily put aside your differences with your partner and decide to come together as a family. This is a useful parenting tips to raise your children, explain to them honestly that you are divorced. Tell them that the situation might be a little sad for you all, but that all of you will still find ways to live a normal life. At this point it is very important for you to listen to your children and encourage them to express what's on their mind or ask their questions.

Be a supporter of your Co-Parent

The most important tip of parenting after a divorce is to openly support the idea of co-parenting. Regardless of who gets full custody, make sure that your ex also has the same time and responsibility for your children. Make your children feel that it is very good to spend time with other parents. Edge co-parents for parents also may mean that you may have to forget while your conflict with your partner and come together to talk about your kids. Communicate with each other's needs and the changes that your children are experiencing.

Continue to Monitor Your Child

Even if one parent is away, tipping is the way parents are advised to both keep your eye on your kids. Be sensitive to how your children behave. This is the tip parents to record an indication that your child is distressed with the current arrangement. Monitor performance and school activities co. Keep communicating with your child even if he turns out all right in school.

Ask for Help When Necessary

If the things that will get out of hand, practical tips for parents is to seek professional help. This tip parent means that you may have to seek counseling options. It may be difficult for you to think about it but a trained counselor may be able to reach your child in a way that you might not realize. Counseling may be helpful for
you as well. For related support groups may also be a good idea.

[1]Veronica Fisher,

Friday, November 5, 2010

10 Commandments Of Parenting Teenagers

10 Commandments Of Parenting TeenagersAs we all know and regret deeply, kids aren't born with instruction manuals informing us of the intricacies of how they work. As parents, our only option is to learn as we go. When our kids were babies, we learned to nap when they napped, to put valuables up on the high shelves, and that m&ms make excellent bribing tools when potty training. But now that your baby is no longer a baby (although he still may act that way from time to time), there is a whole new set of instructions to learn.

Parenting a teenager is a fulltime job, because being a teenager is also a fulltime job. Sure, they may busy themselves with school, sports, and text-messaging, but their true raison-d'etre is to perpetuate their teenager-ness 24/7. Which means while you are slacking off doing things like breathing and living, your teenagers are doing things like plotting and scheming. (They will throw in some sleeping as well, what with being teenagers and all.) Because their lives are all about them, and yours is all about working, cooking, cleaning, paying the taxes, and still finding time for Dancing With The Stars, they have the upper hand.

Were you ever a lifeguard? Me neither. As Woody Allen once said, I don't tan; I stroke. But as any lifeguard will tell you, the biggest threat to their personal safety is not a riptide or a shark. It's a swimmer in trouble. Yes, the very person they are dedicated to help will, in their own panic and hysteria, threaten to destroy them both. Sound familiar? That's because you're the parent of a teenager.

When babies, your children caused you to become sleep deprived, overwhelmed, and drink excessively. Now that they're older, they still cause you to become sleep deprived, overwhelmed, and drink excessively. As you've heard, the more things change, the more they stay the same, and that holds true for parenting as well. So how do you survive? How do you get through each day with the constant screaming, crying and demands (I'm talking about from your teens, not your babies). You follow the rules of course. For as lost as you may feel parenting your teens, there are some guidelines to follow to help you keep your sanity. Or, what's left of your sanity after parenting for so many years.

Therefore, to help you deal with your troublesome teen, keep the following rules in mind:

The Ten Commandments Of Parenting Teenagers

1. You are always right. And if you're not always right, it's because your parents messed you up when you were a kid
2. Praise in public, criticize in private. Most people do the opposite. Don't be like most people.
3.  Yes, you do have to tell them a thousand times. Stop counting and get over it. Now tell them again.
4. Your teens are smarter than you think, and stronger than you realize. So don't go acting all superior just because you have wrinkles and credit cards.
5. Remember they are growing up a lot faster than you did. Advantage, you. Growing up fast is way overrated.
6. When they really screw up is when they need you most. If your parents comforted you in those situations, remember how good it felt? And if they didn't, remember how much worse it made you feel?
7. Their defeats are 50% yours, but their victories are 100% theirs. Not exactly sure what that means, it showed up in a fortune cookie. But it feels true.
8. Remind yourself, they won't be teenagers forever. Someday you will look back on these years and laugh. Definitely. Probably. Maybe.
9. Love them enough to let them hate you. Don't be their friend. Be their parent. Friends come and go. You're all-in.
10. Whatever doesn't kill you, makes you bleed internally.
11. (Bonus Commandment) You can do this.

If you keep these commandments in mind, you'll be much better equipped to tread through the dangerous road of teenhood. These rules will enable you to survive the tough times filled with defiance, rebellion, and constant eye-rolling. Like anything else from working a remote control to getting through airport security, familiarizing yourself with the rules will makes things run much smoother (although I still manage to carry-on some forbidden article like one too many ounces of liquid, that sends me straight to the frisking area). Print out this list of commandments and keep it close. Stick it on the fridge for battles at home. Keep it in your wallet to for troubles on-the-go. And remember, if you can manage to get through this difficult stage of raising teenagers, in a few years when they move out, you'll be rewarded with a lovely spare bedroom to convert into your dream room!

Copyright © 2009 Joanne Kimes and R.J. Colleary with Rebecca Rutledge, PhD, authors of Teenagers Suck: What to do when missed curfews, texting, and "Mom can I have the keys?" make you miserable

Article Source:

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Basic of Parenting for New Parent

Basic ParentingCurrently, one and the only question in the minds of all people is "where is the young generation is gone?" As the lifestyle and values that interfere with young people to say the least. Despite the problems created by the youth and the problems faced by those innumerable, it is of no concern to the state youth are causing anxiety. Baby on the way into this world, newborns and children in various stages of growth are also the face and cause problems.

When trying to find the root cause of the problem is parents who blame for that, most of the time. Although they are not the sole cause, they have a major role to play. Their success depends on the type of care their parents, their environment, support from family, the possibility of getting trained for the hood of a parent, educational level, the nature of the child etc.,.

The problem, most of the psychological, will disappear with proper care. In the early days, people mostly live in the family together. The experience and counsel young parents received from the elders, parents, aunts, grand parents, uncles, guiding them in the process of parenting. Children also have many people to support them, to allow them to vent their feelings and learn how the possibility of finding solutions to their problems.

[1] Shyamala Karunakarapandian,