That does not mean parents stressful adolescence. Even teenagers are responsible for their own individual, in the field of action open to them. And that was the key to some sources of teenage stress. They are sometimes given too much freedom, in other areas too little.
Setting adrift people developed among the various options available in modern, complex society is a guarantee of close to stress. That reaction is essentially the result of the conflict, is considered unresolvable between "I must" and "I can not". In many cases, it is true that teens can not.
No one could fairly expect fourteen years to find out how to negotiate the maze of challenges this offers the modern world without good guidance. Some completed by parents or nature to do so at that age. One is not born knowing how, for example, to get money, improve the baby and deal with adult life - and the knowledge that is rarely achieved by the age of fourteen.
But it is also true that teenagers are not children. They are very aware of themselves, have a complex system of values and knowledge in the world. They have the ability to begin to implement their own power. When independence is held, the opportunity to examine the allegations and solve problems hampered.
Results from these two false alternatives - independence in the sense that completely abandoned to his own devices, and lack of independence in not allowed to make choices and face the consequences - will surely lead to stress.
The first one left the teenager in a position of having to solve a problem they just are not ready to solve. The latter made it very difficult for them to gain or expand their ability to solve them.
Teenagers will often implicitly recognize this when they complain to their parents "You never let me have my way, 'or,' I was old enough to make their own decisions". Some parents react dogmatic by stating that they will make a decision, other people do wrong on the other side by just throwing all restraint and allow teens to 'sink or swim'.
Knowing when to do one, when to do anything else is a challenge every parent. But teenagers can help themselves and their parents out of this dilemma - and in the process save yourself a lot of unnecessary stress.
Just as they are not children, adolescents are not adults. But they could improve their situation by showing the first and second replicate. Paradoxically, voluntarily took responsibility is one very effective way to minimize stress prior to build.
Although responsibility can lead to stress - if met with hatred or fear rather than confidence and perseverance - can also help build the skills needed to prevent stress before it grows. When responsibilities are those teenagers who actually, with effort, capable of handling the results is to build trust.
The surest way to reduce the stress that comes from fear of failure or dealing with stubborn parents are successfully overcome the challenges of school, home responsibilities and other hurdles.
Sometimes that will require starting from after the initial failure. Teens will learn practical knowledge from doing the challenge and build psychological strength of a business.
[1]Dr. John Spencer Ellis,