Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Parenting Teenager Tips

Parenting Teenager TipsThis article reveals 5 Big Fat Lies to Being a Perfect Parent.

Parenting Teenager TipsMany parents As a counselor, I have seen myself running ragged trying to be "The Perfect Parent" for their teenagers. When their efforts failed and the relationship with their adolescent children are lacking, many parents may feel frustrated and disappointed. Here are some myth busters how to be a Perfect Parent.

In order to have a good relationship with my teens, I need:

1. Spend every moment with my teenage son

Somehow there is a high thought that a good relationship with the teen began to spend all day, every day with them. As if "Perfect Parents" are the ones who spend all their free time with their teenage children, filling their days shopping at the mall, or work happily together in the backyard.

Yes, and no! Spending time with their parents is something that most teens really want, and enjoy doing. However, teenagers also crave their independence. It is better to find the time and consistently meet with them, rather than trying shortness your teen. As in the end, this can encourage teenagers crazy.

2. Having a serious discourse of philosophy of life every morning.

In the morning could be as difficult day for parents and teens. hurried parents often try to get their teenage kids just got up out the door, usually with some kind of half - eaten cake hanging out of their mouths.

Store in a deep philosophical discussion for a while if there is no interference. Making the morning as smooth as possible. For many people, how they start the morning they will determine their mood for the rest of the day.

3. Use every last penny of my salary to my every behavior of adolescents

Parents want the best for their teenagers, and enjoy able to give their teens and gadget gifts they do not have their adolescence. However, sometimes parents can be carried and further extend yourself financially, when trying to give their teenage life as possible.

The irony is that most teenagers do not always want a lot of money rained down on them. Now make no mistake, most will receive a monetary prize and extravagance. But if parents try to show love by spending money on them, it is very likely to backfire. Teens quite interested because it can distinguish between authentic love and admiration purchased.

4. Know the answer to all their questions

As parents, we want to "go to person" for our youth. However, some parents consider filling this position means they must be broad wise for all of life's problems. As if their inability to give an answer is equivalent to a failure as a parent.

Horse Hockey! What is a parent? Finding someone who might know the answer. Being able to point your teen in the right direction would encourage self-determination, and it will show that you listen and take their questions seriously.

5. Be "cool" parents

Many parents try to be "cool" parents who blend into the crowd of teenagers. They dress part, listening to the same music as their teens, and even tried to take the hose during the day. While the intent to connect with the world is the noble youth, this can often cause embarrassment for you and your teen.

Instead, just be yourself. This is not to say that as a parent you can not wear clothes today, and contemporary. Also that you can not share the same taste in music or popular culture with your teen. However, the rule of thumb is authenticity rather than switch to become self-teens by trying to "adapt" You may find that your teen respect for you is not based on what you wear, but who you are.

[1] Terre Grable,

Saturday, October 23, 2010

authoritarian parenting

authoritarian parenting
Authoritarian parents also have been called parenting style or parental aggressive military. This is because parents are demanding style and not as much about the healthy development of children as it is about rules, boundaries and distance. In the form of parents, parents do not encourage talking about feelings or stepping out of line. Children are expected to be dominated by their parents, like the military with active service men and women.

The main purpose of authoritarian parenting is to provide children with a set of strict rules that generally change as children age and become much more stringent. The idea is to have a child control and shape through instilling a sense of respect at all costs and final compliance. There is little room for argument or flexibility, what is said applies for the first time every time.

Unlike most of the other parenting styles, authoritarian parenting strengthen compliance without a lot of praise, and use strong means to discipline and deal with incidents of non-compliance. Children are not allowed to have opinions on things that most, including those that may affect the entire family. Moreover, authoritarian parenting does not allow the children room to learn from the mistakes they need to make to learn about real life, decisions are made for children by parents about everything from extra-curricular activities to marriage.

Another aspect signs authoritarian parenting is high achievement. Many parents who choose the form of parents often place too much emphasis on success in the lives of their children, but in their own lives as well. Academic success is important, and many parents would punish the children for an average result; nothing but above average accepted.

Authoritarian parents are in full form is actually destroying the child's development. Without the room to make mistakes and make their own decisions, they do not develop important social development. In addition, parenting style robs children of the bond between parent and child that fosters trust, security, and emotional and psychological development of children.

Although authoritarian parenting is ideal is to provide your children with a tight structure, it can actually have the opposite effect on children of their age and starting to feel more independent. The children want to choose something for themselves, but the authoritarian parent does not allow this. This can cause children to act in the usual manner in order to try to find out who they are and where there are places in the world.

There are many studies showing that parents who adopt the full form of authoritarian parenting may have a higher incidence of psychological disorders such as depression and obsessive compulsive disorder. Unfortunately hit a common traditional style of parents with parenting will become ineffective and then find ways to effectively discipline, which usually leads to more stringent methods.

It has become common for parents to adopt only parts of authoritarian parenting and combine them with one or more aspects of parenting style to another. Parents and doctors have realized that there are too many outcomes that harm the psychological development of children at times when they are still growing. Children should feel that they can turn into their parents for advice, to rise from their ideas, and to love and safety that they need.

[1] Rebecca Presscottt,

Monday, October 18, 2010

some famous parenting quotes

parenting quotes
Parenting is an easy job. It requires patience, care and discipline. Here are some parenting quotes. Do read them to be good parent.

    * The most important thing that parents can teach their children is how to get along without them. Frank A. Clark

    * All children behave as well as they are treated. Jan Hunt

    * Stop trying to perfect your child, but keep trying to perfect your relationship with him. Dr. Henker

    * Life affords no greater responsibility, no greater privilege, than the raising of the next generation. C. Everett Koop

    * Praise your children openly, reprehend them secretly. W. Cecil

    * Parents need to fill a child's bucket of self-esteem so high that the rest of the world can't poke enough holes to drain it dry. Alvin Price

    * Discipline doesn't break a child's spirit half as often as the lack of it breaks a parents heart. Anonymous

    * Discipline your son in his early years while there is still hope. If you don't you will ruin his life. Anonymous

    * It is better to bind your children to you by a feeling of respect and by gentleness, than by fear. Terence

    * To understand your parents' love you must raise children yourself. Chinese Proverb

    * The best way to make children good is to make them happy. Oscar Wilde

    * Whoever said it first spoke with insight and wisdom: you don't own children, you only borrow them. Anne Linn

    * To be in your children's memories tomorrow, you have to be in their lives today. Anonymous

    * First you have to teach a child to talk, then you have to teach it to be quiet. Prochnow

    * Your children will become what you are; so be what you want them to be. David Bly

    * The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother, and the most important thing a mother can do for her children is to love their father. Anonymous

    * A truly appreciative child will break, lose, spoil, or fondle to death any really successful gift within a matter of minutes. Russell Lynes

    * There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes. Dr. Who

    * If your baby is beautiful and perfect, never cries or fusses, sleeps on schedule and burps on demand, an angel all the time, you're the grandma. Theresa Bloomingdale

    * I have found the best way to give advice to your children is to find out what they want and then advise them to do it. Harry S. Truman

    * A mother understands what a child does not say. Jewish Proverb

    * The quickest way for a parent to get a child's attention is to sit down and look comfortable. Lane Olinhouse

    * A father is someone who carries pictures where his money used to be. Lion

    * Of all the rights of women, the greatest is to be a mother. Lin Yutang

    * Children need love, especially when they do not deserve it. Harold Hulbert

    * A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for. Anonymous


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

parenting blog

 parenting blog
Bellows are some tips to find good parenting blog!

Are you presently trying to find a good parenting blog? If so here are five tips.

1) Pick a parenting blog that has information relating to your child's age group. If you find a blog for parents of teens and you have a five-year-old, this parenting blog is not currently going to help you. Unless of course you have both a teen and a five-old-year.

2) Find a parenting blog that meets your needs. On the top of the blog it should say what the blog is about or what kind of information it shares. If you find a blog that says it gives bi-weekly tips and articles on raising girls, and you have a boy, you might want to pass on this blog. Unless it also has something else of value for you. Maybe on Fridays it gives nutrition tips or posts simple dinner recipes. If this appeals to you, then just read Friday posts.

3) If you have a child with behavioral issues do not read a blog that is basically a parent bragging about how great their kid is. This could be frustrating for you. You should Google many blogs which share pertinent information on helping parents deal with childhood behavioral issues. Pick at least a couple of blogs relating directly to your child's issue. I.e, ADD or ADHD. Read a few to see what the parenting advice is like. Pick ones that fit your style of parenting. Or ones that give advice you actually might follow through with. You can always keep reading more than one blog. Compare advice. If you desire a blog where parents leave comments on what has worked for them, check for this at the bottom of the article or post. Also, look at past parenting articles. This is a gem mine for information!

4) Do not dismiss parenting blogs that might give you little nuggets of great information. Let us say while looking for a blog that posts family movie reviews you stumble upon a blog that has articles about environmental issues which can impact kids. If you suddenly decide, hey I like that, but you do not want to read this blog every week then check out it once a month. Click on only the posts relating to this issue.

5) Find a blog whose writer has values or outlooks similar to yours. If you are an atheist or lesbian hippie you might not want to read a blog written by a conservative Christian mom who believes in having all her P and Q's in place. Unless you find you like her decorating tips or the arts and craft projects she posts. But do not get peeved if you read her parenting advice which might relate in someway to the Bible. Also, when choosing a blog ask yourself, do you like the blog master's followers? This is an interesting point to consider. I know someone who liked a particular blog but stopped reading it because a follower kept making what she thought were stupid comments. With so many blogs out there it is easy enough to stop reading one and to find another. Do not let blog posts or comments rain on your day.

[1] Jat Marie P,

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Prepare for your baby Arrival

baby parenthood baby arrivalWaiting for first baby arrival in your family is one of most happiest events in life. However, you must prepare well for your baby arrival. Check bellow checklist,  Make sure everything in the check list have been prepared!

When you get home from the hospital with your new son or daughter, the last thing that you want is to have to send your partner to the store or to make a mad dash for a thermometer when you fear that your little one is running a fever. So, here are the most basic items that you cannot do without in the first few months of new parenthood:
baby parenthood baby arrival

Car Seat-Rear-Facing only. You cannot leave the hospital without one! To save money in the long run, you may want to research getting a convertible combination infant/toddler seat. They are expensive up front but prevent you from buying a front-facing seat and then a booster seat as your child grows. The drawback is that by the time your son or daughter is 4 years old and in a booster seat, the seat may look like it's been through a war and impossible to get completely clean.
baby parenthood baby arrival

Diapers and Wipes-These are items you can stock up on ahead of time. You can figure on going through 10-12 diapers a day for a newborn, but only buy a month's worth in advance, as babies can quickly outgrow these diapers. Then, also have the next size up on hand so you don't have to run to the store. You might be able to save some money by shopping the sales during your pregnancy. You will never have enough wipes, so stock up on these. You'll be using these until your child is at least 4 or 5. Also buy unscented in the beginning. Many babies are sensitive to the scents used in these products and if your baby develops a rash you want to be able to rule out detergents, fabric softeners etc., before worrying about diapers and wipes. Better safe than sorry.
baby parenthood baby arrival

Diaper Ointment/Powder-Your friends are the ones to recommend the products that seem to work best, but you might consider using just plain old cornstarch in a decorative shaker. Cornstarch is non-irritating and absorbs moisture, keeping it away from your baby's skin, which is the whole idea. The number one prevention of diaper rash is frequent diaper changes and thorough cleaning when changing diapers.
baby parenthood baby arrival

Diaper Pail-If using cloth or disposables, you need one of these, along with trash bags to fit the pail.

Crib-This is not a necessity for the first few months, so don't worry if you haven't gotten one yet. Your baby will be much happier in a bassinette, as will you, so that you can keep him or her close for the first month or three, and spend the money on other, more necessary items.

Bassinette or Porta-Crib-When first bringing the baby home, you both will be much more comfortable with a smaller environment. First, your baby is used to being in a small area and the spaciousness of a crib might not be appreciated at this age. Secondly, it is much easier to get your newborn in and out of a porta-crib or bassinette. And thirdly, you will want your little one close as you get accustomed to his or her sleeping habits, cries, whimpers and just to be able to wake up, check on your son or daughter, and go back to sleep if he or she is sleeping soundly. Ever hear stories about grandma spending her first three months in a dresser drawer or a sturdy cardboard box? These are the least expensive options and may be better than a crib to begin with.

Stroller-You need one that reclines fully until your baby is old enough to support his or her head. A lot of people are tempted to get the umbrella-type stroller because they are cheap and so lightweight and convenient. You might want to re-think this. When you are traveling anywhere with your baby, until they are out of diapers and eating regular food, you will be carrying a lot of stuff with you. With a regular-sized stroller you have plenty of room to put the diaper bag and toys and shopping bags and even stack on some stuff for older siblings and still have plenty of room for the baby, without worrying about the whole thing toppling over. Your baby will also sleep much better in a reclining stroller than in an umbrella-type. And what about posture? Umbrella strollers provide little support for your baby's developing spine. Consider buying a combination infant seat and stroller. They are well worth the money and make taking the baby from the car to the stroller a breeze, barely disturbing them at all. These also convert to a regular stroller once your baby is out of the infant seat and/or sitting up on their own.

A Baby Sling-Be careful with this choice and know how to use it properly. Recent studies, and unfortunately, infant deaths, have resulted in more stringent warnings to parents, though the safety of these slings is still being debated. Basically, be sure when your baby is in a sling that his or her nose and mouth are not pressed against the fabric and that your baby's chin is not resting on his chest, restricting the airway.

A Nursing Pillow, Nursing Bras, Bra Pads, Breast Pump, and Milk Storage Bags-Of course this depends upon your decision to nurse or not to. This is a purely personal choice. Don't let anyone make you feel less of a Mom for choosing not to. Today's formulas offer everything that a child needs to grow and develop, though it does not offer the antibodies that your baby will receive in the first few days prior to your milk coming in completely.

Nursing Cream-This will help to keep your nipples in good shape. Babies can be hard on nursing mothers, so you want to do everything possible to avoid being sore and being able to provide your little one with nature's perfect nutrients, at least for the first few days, weeks or months.

4-oz Bottles-Your baby won't need full-sized bottles to begin with and these are handy for water now and juices later on, even if you are breastfeeding to begin with. Bottles are handy to have in a pinch too. If you were to get sick and unable to nurse, a bottle is a necessity.

Formula-Don't stock up on this all at once. If you are breastfeeding, you will only need this in a pinch. If you are bottle-feeding, you want to be sure that your baby can handle the type of formula that you choose. Hospitals often send new Mom's home with a baby care package sponsored by companies that want you to buy their products, so you might check and find out ahead of time. You will not be allowed to return formula to the store, unopened or not, so make sure your baby's tummy is happy with a particular formula before stocking the pantry.

Bottle and Nipple Brushes or special Dishwasher Racks for Bottles and Nipples.

Burp Rags-The best thing to use to put over your shoulder are cloth diapers. They are absorbent, fairly inexpensive, last a long time, and are small enough to fit in a purse, but you can also buy cloths designed for just this purpose. These get used often and get dirty just as often. You should have a couple of dozen of these on hand!

Pacifier-Baby's have a natural instinct for suckling and a pacifier will satisfy that, often soothing an infant when nothing else will. Some babies like them and some don't and some infants are quite picky about what kind they will use. Have a couple of varieties on hand until you know what your baby prefers.

Receiving Blankets-You cannot have enough of these! Spitting up, peeing and pooping are a way of life with your baby and everything ends up on the receiving blanket. New babies are also much more comfortable when snuggled, similar to how they are in the womb, so take note of how the hospital wraps your little one and do the same. Some people also use these as burp rags, though they are larger than necessary for that purpose.

Crib Sheets-You can't have enough of these either! You don't want to run out of sheets and you also don't want to be tied to your washing machine!

Layette Pads-These are leak-resistant pads that you can use to put under your baby to keep you from having to change the crib sheets as often. They are usually flannel or soft heavy fabric on top of a rubber backing. These will work until your baby is able to roll over. 4-6 should allow you to change them out and wash as necessary.

Bibs-Only little bibs are needed at first. These serve to catch drips from the bottle and small amounts of spit up, keeping your baby's outfits fresher longer. 6-12 should be enough.

One Piece Underwear-These are the most common new baby attire. They usually have a snap crotch that makes diaper changes easy and they come in a variety of weights. Your little one can go through 6 outfits a day. Plan on having at least a dozen of these on hand.

One-piece Pajamas-One piece sleepers usually include feet so negate the need for booties when they have one of these on. Soft and easy to change are the most important aspects, and then take into consideration the time of year and the indoor temperatures that your little one will be exposed to. These are quite often more fashionable and Mom's in-the-know use these to take baby out in public. Yes, it's tempting to dress those babies up, but much more practical and comfortable for them to keep them in sleepers. Have a dozen of these on hand too.

Booties or Socks-Babies do not have good temperature control and therefore can have cold feet, regardless of the temperature outside or inside. You should always have socks or booties on when leaving the house and some people believe that keeping your baby's feet warm will cut down on the incidents of colic. In the winter you can even put booties on over the top of one-piece pajamas. And booties are much more comfortable and inexpensive than shoes. Your baby's feet will grow as quickly as he or she does, so buying shoes, except for special occasions or pictures, can be expensive and unnecessary. They can also be near impossible to keep on their feet during the first few months. Booties also get lost easily as they fall off in transit and are small enough to disappear. Have at least a dozen pairs of booties or socks on hand.

Hats-Baby's head gets cold. That is why they keep hats on them in the hospital. Until your baby can learn to regulate their own temperature, usually around 3-4 months of age, keep a few soft, knit beanies around.

Mittens-These are the little cotton mittens that you use to keep your baby from scratching his or her face. Baby's nails grow pretty quickly; some even needing a nail trim upon birth. Some babies have even scratched their face in the womb. For the first few weeks you may want to keep mittens on, until you get the hang of regular nail trimming.

Fingernail Trimmers-These will often come in a grooming kit or you can buy them separately. You need tiny nail trimmers to do those itty-bitty fingers, not an adult nail trimmer.

Baby Brush-Your baby's scalp is very tender and he or she has a 'soft-spot' on the top of their head where the skull has not fused together. You should only use a very soft brush on your baby's hair up to at least 1 year of age.

Thermometer-You can go with the old fashioned rectal thermometer, but these contain mercury, which is dangerous, and they are very fragile. A digital thermometer gives the most accurate reading while being the easiest to use and will usually give you results in just a few seconds. Infants require either a rectal or under the arm reading as they cannot hold a thermometer in their mouth. Tympanic (ear) thermometers are available, but then you can only use it in the ear and they can be difficult to get in just the right place. Pacifier thermometers read low, so add 1/2 a degree and they require your child keep the pacifier in place for 3 minutes. The temperature-sensitive strips are not very accurate but will do in a pinch.

Stock your Medicine Chest-You should have either Tylenol or Motrin on hand for fever and pain relief. Your little one can run a temperature for any number of reasons and the first thing the doctor will do is recommend one of the above. If your baby's temperature goes down and stays down, chances are that's all that needs to be done. On the other hand, if one of these will not bring the temperature down or it persists above 100°F, then call the pediatrician. Also have on hand medicine for gas, as that is what usually causes your baby pain or discomfort when new born and there are products on the market specifically for infants. You also need to have alcohol and gauze for cleaning your baby's umbilical stub. A cotton ball tends to shred and is hard to get off.

Nasal Aspirator-the hospital may send one of these home with your baby, so you may not need to buy one, but it also doesn't hurt to have an extra on hand or in the diaper bag and they are not expensive. Your little one cannot blow his or her nose and continually wiping a running nose is hard on the nose. Babies tend to have quite a bit of mucous, especially when suffering from a cold or allergy, so a nasal aspirator is the easiest for you and your baby. When your child can breathe easier, feeding and sleeping will also be easier.

Baby Tub, Wash Cloths, Hooded Towels, Baby Wash-The easiest way for both of you is to use a baby tub or the kitchen sink with a non-slip mat in the bottom. Soap is slippery and you want to be able to have a comfortable but firm grip on your baby at all times, and having their little butt sliding around in the sink or tub does not help. Wash cloths should be soft as your baby's skin is quite sensitive and the hooded towel will help your son or daughter when it comes to regulating their temperature after a bath. Baby washes are commercially available that will do both hair and body, therefore only having to buy one product and they are proven safe for your baby's sensitive skin and eyes.

Sanitary Pads-For the first few weeks home you will be spotting and may have vaginal discharge. You cannot wear a tampon for fear of infection right now, so pads may be a necessity. You shouldn't need the super-duper ones and a heavy panty-liner may be sufficient, but have something on hand.

Baby Monitor-Some people swear by these and some don't. If your baby will be in a room by him or herself as soon as you get home, then a baby monitor is a good idea. It enables you to monitor your baby, even while you sleep, and hear the slightest noise. It keeps you from constantly running down the hall to check and lessens the stress of not having your baby in the room with you.

Nightlight-It is always a good idea to have a small insubstantial light so that you can easily check on your baby. Your baby doesn't like bright light in his or her eyes anymore than you do, especially upon waking.

Window Coverings-Depending upon where your baby's room is located, you may want room-darkening window coverings. Remember that your baby has been in the relatively dark womb for 9 months and that getting used to having regular light can take some time. Darkness will often coincide with your infant's sleep patterns and can help to regulate those waking and sleeping hours.

Music for the Nursery-It's been well proven that babies like music. You can get a wind up mobile, but be aware that they don't attach well to bassinettes, besides being in the way, and that your baby cannot see a mobile clearly when it is that far above the crib, at least not at first. Instead consider a CD player that you can use in other rooms when you feel your baby has outgrown music, or with which you can upgrade the music your baby hears.

Rocking Chair-The ultimate 'Mommy' picture is sitting in a rocker and rocking your baby. Yes, it's relaxing for both of you and can be a great tool on sleepless nights, but beware of getting your little one in the habit of being rocked to sleep. This can carry well into toddlerhood if you're not careful. But, a rocker is a great place to breast feed and to have some good quality cuddle time with your baby. Use it sparingly and to your best advantage, maybe positioning it with a favorite view or with your favorite soothing-scented candles or potpourri nearby.

Books-If you haven't already started reading to your baby, it is never too early or too late to start. Start collecting those books that your Mom read to you, or ask your Mom if she's got them stashed away somewhere. Reading to your child is a sure way to interest your child in reading, to teach him, even at this early age, and to soothe her with the sound of your voice.

Changing Table-This makes diaper changing easier and helps to organize the supplies, but is not an absolute necessity. You can change your baby on the couch or on the bed just as easily. Just find a place that's convenient and set up shop, keeping diapers, wipes and ointment or powder at your fingertips.

If this is your first child, then there is nothing that can prepare you for the intense pleasure, or for the worries and stress that are associated with being a parent. It is important that these first few weeks and months are as stress-free and easy-going as possible; being prepared for your little one's arrival is a great start! Use this list as a guide to help you prepare or have it handy for reference when registering your wants and needs for your baby shower.

[1]  Joseph Stutzman,

Monday, October 4, 2010

parenting resources information

parenting resources information
All parents need a good parenting resource of their own. Because the parent is a tough job parenting resource to help make things easier for any parent. How and where parents find a relevant parenting resource? There is no one sure and perfect parenting resource for everyone. Parents may have to decide for themselves which parental resources are very helpful and applicable. But there are certain areas where one can get parenting resources. You can get your parenting resource from the following:

The Haven Books and Videos

Every place where they sell or lend a huge selection of books and videos may be a parenting resource. You can go around looking for a bestseller parenting resource or something created by experts in the field of parenting and psychology to get a good parenting resource. Surprisingly, a source account of parenting experience, or even fictional stories of parenting may be a useful resource parents for parents discriminatory.

Comprehensive Sites and Links

Not surprisingly, the internet can have every kind of parenting resource imaginable. You have the option to check the site that will provide you with part of a comprehensive parenting resource or one that will give you information resource parents in particular. You can also check link or site that clean if you want to have a quick overview of some other sites that might be a good place to parenting resources ..

Message Boards and More

You can choose parenting resources that are practical and that comes from people who have actually experienced parenting. You can use parents' forums and message boards as your parenting resource. In this kind of parenting resource you can swap stories and practical tips and information. Many parents may warm up this kind of parenting resources for conversation, light and fun way to go about talking about parenting.

Formal Classes and Support Groups

A clear and structured parenting resource may come from formal areas such as parenting classes and support groups. Type
resource parents will surely offer highly professional pieces of information. There is no doubt that if you enroll in parenting resource class, you will get loads of theory and actual practice accounts from trained professionals in the field of parenting. Support groups can also offer parenting resource that may be both categorized as formal expert quality and personal support and raised in the wild.

People You Know

A source of practical parenting resource people you really know. Your own parents, family, friends and colleagues may each be a parenting resource. Ask this, people are living resources that actual parents what they can share based on what they know and their experiences. This may be the cheapest and best parenting resource you will ever have.

However and wherever you choose to get your parenting resource make sure that your parenting resource applies to you and your family. Remember, not all families are the same.

[1] Veronica Fisher,